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Using SQLite3 from JRuby without ActiveRecord

I spent way too long asking my friend, The Internet, how to get a normal DBI connection to SQLIte3 using JRuby. Apparently, everyone except me is using ActiveRecord and/or Rails and doesn’t want to just connect to the database.

But I do. Here’s how.

First, get the gems:

   gem install dbi   gem install dbd-jdbc   gem install jdbc-sqlite3 

Then you’re ready to load it up into DBI.

 require 'rubygems' # if you're using 1.8 still require 'java' require 'dbi' require 'dbd/jdbc' require 'jdbc/sqlite3'  databasefile = 'test.db' dbh = DBI.connect(   "DBI:jdbc:sqlite:#{databasefile}",  # connection string   '',                                 # no username for sqlite3   '',                                 # no password for sqlite3   'driver' => 'org.sqlite.JDBC')      # need to set the driver  # That's it. Everything below here is stock DBI "create table squares (i integer, isquared integer)"  ins = dbh.prepare("insert into squares values (?, ?)") (1..20).each do |i|   ins.execute(i, i*i) end