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Tag: Personal

Another short personal note

The baby spent all last week in the hospital. Nothing life-threatening (so long as he was in the hospital and could get O2 when needed); it was just annoying. So….here’s to a week-long hospital stay being able to be merely “annoying”. A tip of the hat to steady employment, generous sick/vacation policies, flexible co-workers, excellent insurance, and having a world-class hospital in town. This could have been a much, much worse week than it was.

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A short personal note

We had another baby. 🙂 Shai Brown Dueber was born last Monday, the 3rd, at a very moderate 7lbs 7.2oz (his brothers were 9lbs and 9.5lbs). Mother, baby, and older brothers are all doing well. Father is freakin’ tired.    

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