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Help me test yet another LC Callnumber parser

Those who have followed this blog and my code for a while know that I have a long, slightly sad, and borderline abusive relationship with Library of Congress call numbers.

They’re a freakin’ nightmare. They just are.

But, based on the premise that Sisyphus was a quitter, I took another stab at it, this time writing a real (PEG-) parser instead of trying to futz with extended regular expressions.

The results, so far, aren’t too bad.

The gem is called lc_callnumber, but more importantly, I’ve put together a little heroku app to let you play with it, and then correct any incorrect parses (or tell me that it worked correctly) to build up a test suite.

So…Please try to break my LC Callnumber parser!

[Code for the app itself is on github; pull requests for both the app and the gem joyously received]